• Your name and date of birth:
  • ** Date of birth is OPTIONAL. **
  • Your questions:

This is a reading where my sister mainly uses her psychic abilities and sometimes with some tools (e.g., tarot cards, crystal ball, guardian angel cards) to answer your question(s). You can ask any question you want; love, career, past life spiritual connections, who’s coming toward you next in romance, etc. This can be a blind “surprise me!” reading, which means you don’t need to send any questions. But if you want the blind reading to be more geared toward a specific situation or concern, include it in your order. Otherwise… ask any question you want, including fictional topics. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question, delivered via e-mail.

My sister has been working professionally in this psychics field/industry since 2005. She specializes in telepathy/mind reading, love reading, career advice, financial outlook, and more. Providing date of birth (D.O.B.) is optional, so don’t worry if you don’t know the date of birth of other people, don’t want to provide your own, etc. You will get nothing but the truth because without truth there is no solution. Life can only be understood backwards. But it must be lived forwards. She has very powerful gifts and her goal is to share it with as many people as possible. She does not give false hope. ~Kiyasu, www.kiyasugreen.comkiyasu.etsy.com

More of my readings: psychicshelp.com/author/kiyasu