Me, the GREAT Doggie, who is over 300 years old, will read taorot cards for you hooman creature things, when me owner kiyasu not looking. *wiggles tail* I am gifted Doggie who lived before other planets. I am cool and me is best looking dog in whole world.

  • Your name and date of birth:
  • ** Date of birth is OPTIONAL. **
  • Your question(s):

Do you have TRUST issues with human being creature things? Do you distrust earthling creatoores like friends, family, psychic tarot reader advisors, etc. when they says “I am non-judgemental, I really don’t judge, etc. etc. etc.” and den youu tell secretz sensitive thing and then yoo are somehow unconscioously judged in the end anywayz? Have youz felt so lonely and sick of talking with hoomanz and/or just can’t trust peoples anymooores? Or maybe like no hooman out there yoo can fully trust? *wiggles tail* Don’t worry, you have me, the legendary Doggie, to confide too and get reading from, when ALL hopes is lost! Humman beings verrry complicated and sucks, but Doggie good dog. Doggie loyal. (Even when yoo don’t have trust issooes, you can still get reading from me, of coorse. Doggie is here to HELP! *wiggles tail*) This listing is for a TAROT READING from me, the Doggie. *wiggles tail*

Me name is Bon, the GREAT Doggie, now typing this description thingies when human(?) creature thing kiyasu (<– me owner and best freendz *wiggles tail*) like NOT looking and secretly me want to conquer her shop. I am a good dog. I am VIP and I am cool. Please give me good food. *lies down and rests* Dog life so gooood. *wiggles tail*

It is said that me the GREAT doggie bring ppl goood lucks and fortuen and prosperity etc. etc. etc. When me owner kiyasu takes me out, unexpected goood thing happen more. I have good energies and I have spiritool connections and soul bond with me owner. I have also lived in other planets before I came to Earth to live with kiyasu since 2011. I also send e-mails when owner not looking. Me like hooman home and me owner give me good high class royal grand VIP ultimate super delicious ultra delluxe DELUCIOIUS FOOD. Me is good quality doggie and me is best doggie in whole universe and world.

kiyasoo says like if you see a Doggie (that is ME and me ONLY, and NO other dogz), it is like good omen and properity boon sign thing. Some legends(?) say like me have special energies to brighten up days. And of course, some says I am so cute and adorable, but I think more like I am God creature and spirit animal thing. *wiggles tails* I also look like fox and can jump like fox or cat and I am swift and I have ninja speeds sometimes. I am the ONLY great doggie on Earth who can do this, and this is very original listing and I’ve been doing these kind of things when kiyasu not looookings since 2011, so NO copying my service idea because I am cool and me shoudl be only one doing this kind of things, and this is like © copyrights <del>Kiyasu Oka</del> Bon the Doggie. And me just want to conquer and own kiyasu’s shop (sort of) when she NOT looking. *wiggles tail*

You can ask any question you want; love, career, past life spiritual connections, who’s coming toward you next in romance, etc. This can be a blind “surprise me!” reading, which means you don’t need to send any questions. But if you want the blind reading to be more geared toward a specific situation or concern, include it in your order. Otherwise… ask any question you want, including fictional topics. YOU WILL RECEIVE: a psychic reading of usually at least around 500~1000 characters per topic or question. I may or may not use tools like cards, pendulum, etc. But if I use cards, I will pull as many cards as I want (no card limit). My other readings and services are at: